Monday, 24 September 2012

Our Incredible Learning Logs

As part of our year 6 Topic, The Victorians, we have produced some fantastic learning logs about Charles Dickens. After researching his life, many of the children linked their presentation to his work as and author and playwrite.  Please enjoy looking at this small selection of our fantastic work.

Lauren wrote her learning log as though Charles Dickens was speaking about his life.  She used different pictures of Charles, which show him getting older, for each caption - what a clever idea.

Tom presented his work as though his page was a stage.  He used various quotes from 'Oliver' to make his work appealing to his audience - very creative.

I loved the way Liam presented his research as a page from a 'Horrible Histories' book.  His title 'Dead Clever Dickens' was a brilliant play on words. 

Isher's learning log gave lots of information about Charles Dickens.  The orange squares at the right hand side of the page were quiz questions - I hope you were paying attention!

Bismah added a diary to her research with excerpts from the actual diary of Charles Dickens.  She cleverly changed her handwriting to look like it was deteriorating, as Dickens' did, after he was involved in a train crash.

Many more of the learning logs were given full marks.  If you did not manage to get 10 housepoints this time, have a look at some of the ideas from other people, and maybe next time  yours will be awarded full marks too.

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