Sunday, 30 September 2012

Health Week

Last week was 'Health Week' at Wigton Moor.  Many of our lessons were planned around this theme.

We did circuit training in PE:

Shuttle runs, start jumps, skipping and a rest stop.

Standing long jump, press ups and bench steps.

In maths, we looked at our diet and how we get our energy from food.  We then looked at our individual, daily energy requirements and our task was to plan a healthy diet to meet our needs.

A little chocolate is fine, but make sure you have something healthy too!

Aneesh just can't resist posing for the camera!

The children seem to be really enjoying their task!

Lots of concentration and hard work from Harvey


  1. I really enjoyed that lesson. I realised that I need to eat a lot more food per day!

    - Ellie -

  2. I think that the maths lesson was the best lesson yet!


    1. i ageeeee!

      and i also think i need to eat alot more too!

