Thursday, 29 November 2012


Narconon translates as 'Drugs No!'

On Wednesday, Pete from Narconon came in to speak to year six about the effects of drugs on the body and life in general. 

Telling the children 'his story' made the effects of drugs very clear and gave the very important message, 'It's Up to You!'

Everybody needs a goal,which requires them to put in some effort, for them to achieve in life.

Housepoints will be awarded to those of you who add a comment to this post, explaining what their goal could be and how they hope to achieve it!

Pete getting ready to give Dylan the keys to his brand new pink Bugatti.

For more information about Pete and his work on drugs education please look at his blog

How has Leeds developed since the Victorian Times?

In history this week we were investigating how Leeds has changed since the Victorian Times.  Using maps from the 1700s to the present day, we were able to make comparisons and identify reasons for the changes.

Dance Heats II

Last Monday Naps and Booma, from RJC, came to judge our dance routines and to select which group would represent our school at the Celebration of Dance at Leeds Town Hall.  Our parents were also invited along to support us and watch our performances.

We were very nervous and especially when the final decision came to a 'dance off' between Olympic Vibe and OMG Sports as the standard was so good. 

Well done to the members of Olympic Vibe, who were finally chosen to represent the school at the Celebration on Dance.  A very special well done has to go to Kairo, who stepped in at the last minute when a member of the winning group was unable to attend the finals.

Here are some photographs of the dress rehearsals:

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Dance Heats

The annual dance heats, run by RJC Dance, are upon us.  The event was launched by a visit from  De-Napoli and "Booma" to introduce this year's theme 'ball games'. 

The whole of year six have been working hard, in their groups, to make up their routines. 

A well executed lift

Try to keep your head back!

Sports Hall Athletics

A group of year 5 and 6 children went to Wetherby High School to Compete in a 'Sports Hall Athletics' competition.  Our team came first and are through to the next round.  Good Luck to the selected team.


We have been writing our own playscripts based on scenes from Oliver.  Working in small groups was an excellent way to test how well we had written our stage directions:

Using resources found around the room to enhance their performance.

A very convincing Mr Bumble dishing out gruel.

Use was made of all available space.  A very sensible group work in our new locker room.

"More, did I hear that you asked for more?"

Getting into character.

The patio is a useful extension to the classroom for group work.